Posts tagged #water

Water Challenge

Here is a Facebook post I received today! Set yourself a reminder so that you do not forget! I have had a lot of people tell me an alarm, or note helps. photo

It's happening! People are staying committed and drinking their morning glass of water!! I am loving seeing your tweets, messages, and posts! Keep up the good work. It is not too late to start with this healthy and EASY habit. Many people drink coffee first thing in the AM. But a lot people told me they made the effort this morning to drink a cup of water before their cup of coffee. YES!

Keep sending your water drinking pictures! Do it now! Tweet or post your pictures! Twitter: @SweatwithLH Facebook: Sweat With Lauren Hefez

The first couple of pictures that I received this AM... :)

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Posted on January 14, 2013 and filed under Uncategorized, food.

bkr, my favorite water bottle and a good holiday gift for your gym-going, eco conscious, water loving friends!

I am known to break glass. Since September I have broken 23 glass cups, but that did not stop me from buying a glass water bottle. I am in LOVE with bkr water bottles. I bought mine at The Sports Club LA/Boston but  I have also seen them at Whole Foods.

Why I love them:

  • made out of glass so its easy to clean and they don't smell
  • are protected by fun colored, 100% recyclable, and non-toxic silicon sleeves
  • perfect size and holds just the right amount of water- 16oz
  • eco friendly

So you are probably wondering if I broke my bkr. And the answer is YES.

I broke it within the first 2 months of owning it. But I had dropped it many times before and it proved to be pretty resilient  The time it broke it was dropped on a non forgiving surface in just the right spot. The good news: If your bkr breaks within the first 90 days you can get a new one! You just have to cover the cost of shipping. Make sure you keep your receipt.

Posted on November 26, 2012 and filed under fashion.