I went to visit my bff, Lauren, in NYC this past weekend. She knows I am picky when it comes to food so she always takes care of me, taking me to good, fresh, and wonderful restaurants with healthy options!
Wedding dress pick up!
Last Thursday I made my final trip to NYC to pick up my wedding dress. I was so nervous but so excited all at the same time. I worked with the designer who made my dress, and I was so happy that it fit perfectly. The dress is not what I was thinking of getting AT ALL. So different from what I had originally wanted, but I couldn't be more happy While I was on my way to NYC I sent you all a video asking what YOU wanted your next workout to be.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQkxHalXYgE&w=420&h=315]
I got a lot of great responses and you guys gave me a lot of ideas for new videos, so thank you!! I decided to do an inner thigh and abs video.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIHPZrkiXts&w=560&h=315]
I also need your advice. I do not want to give too much information away but at some point either before or during the wedding I may wear a headpiece. Which one do you like more? Both head pieces are using the same flower, it is just the lace bands that are different styles. I bought the flower on Etsy and the lace in NYC!