Here is a workout that is just for YOU, my readers.
This workout has a total of 5 different moves. In the video below I show you each move step by step.
The Workout:
#1 BUTT WORK (on all 4's)
- 25 mini pulses
- 25 half way up half way down
- 25 full range, down and up
#2 Inner Thigh and Butt (grab a block or large hard book)
heels down toes up
- 50x's lift butt and squeeze knees together
- 50x's heels stay down and together, knees open and press out
Do #2 twice through
#3 Side Butt
- 25 side butt lifts
- 25 toe to toe and knee to knee
- 25 clamshell
- 15 pulses in clamshell
#4 Pushups and Planks
- 15 pushups
- 20 twist knee to elbow in plank position
do #4 twice through
#5 Abs
- 25 crunches legs in tabletop
- 25 crunches legs in tabletop add a butt lift
- 25 bicycle
- 25 Starfish (when you lie on the ground legs and arms out wide and then you lift yourself in to a ball on the mat, low and lift)